Guide To Downloading

If you’re having trouble downloading Full CDs, this tutorial should help you understand it a bit better.

FIRST: Check to see if the desired file is a link to an individual song or a “Full CD”

I don’t host full CDs here on WordPress. Instead, I upload them to Mediafire, ZippyShare, or Megaupload. So, if it says “Full CD” in the title, then the steps you’re going to take to download the CD are:


1. Left click the link. Mediafire will open in a new window.

2. At Mediafire, click on the link that says “Click here to start download..”


1. Left click the “Full CD” link. Megaupload will open in a new window.

2. At Megaupload, enter the CAPTCHA password on the right. Example:

3. Wait 45 seconds

4. Click “Regular Download” when it appears at the bottom right of the page.

5. Unzip the compressed file. I use this FREE software to unzip files:

• StuffIt Expander (Mac Download)

• Stuffit Expander (Windows Download)

6. For newer CD uploads (October 2010) you’ll be presented with a password protected file. YOU NEED THIS SOFTWARE to unzip these password protected files, you must open the .zip file with this software and type in the password.


1. Left click the “Full CD” link. Zippyshare will open in a new window.

2. At ZippyShare, look for a link that says “D o w n l o a d” (Shown Below)

3. Unzip the compressed file. I use this FREE software to unzip files:

• StuffIt Expander (Mac Download)

• Stuffit Expander (Windows Download)

4. For newer CD uploads (October 2010) you’ll be presented with a password protected file. YOU NEED THIS SOFTWARE to unzip these password protected files, you must open the .zip file with this software and type in the password.

» For all other files, just right-click the link and select “Download File” «


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